Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, Now that I got that off my chest I would like to discuss my viewing of a July 2008 monthly issue of a popular work from home business magazine I just received. Stupid is as stupid does, please excuse me I just had to finish getting that out also. Browsing this magazine page by page, which is by the way all advertisements and testimonial articles paid for by the advertiser, I see brilliant dazzling feel good colors. Pictures of gold, riches and stacks of money. An inspirational message from successful billionaires telling you to get it while it’s hot before it’s all gone. It kind of reminds me of a casino on the Las Vegas strip, Years ago, what was it’s name? Oh Yea, Sassy Sallie’s. I don’t know if they are still using that name but I do remember they served a world famous foot long hotdog for only 99 cents. In addition to it’s snack bar specials this particular casino sounded and felt very big as it’s dazzling bright lights, loud screeching slot machine winning bells and screams from jack pot winners all poured out the Casino entrance and onto the streets of Las Vegas Blvd. It was actually the smallest casino on the main strip which had created this atmosphere for carnival draw attraction of which worked very well. Upon reaching the casino door entrance it became more exciting to see a dollar slot machine being played and it’s hopper over filling and spilling the winnings onto the floor only steps away from the entrance. Years later I learned that these players are called shills who are legally hired to sit at special set to continually win machines for the casino. To continue the story, behind the shill was a circle of dollar slot machines with a change girl in the center. She was overly enthusiastic and guaranteed you would win because she worked there and could tell you which one was ready to hit big and pay you thousands of dollars just like the shills machine was paying off. Well to make a long story short, that attendant made change for hundreds of $100, $50 and $20 dollar bills all during her shift. None of the gamblers struck a hot paying slot but I am certain they will remember buying the special 99-cent foot long hot dog. Getting back to the subject of how stupid are we about work at home scams, at the end of this article I will hopefully, like a Hitchcock Story, have left you with sufficient scenarios to derive at your own opinion. After all, no one wants to be called stupid. Not even me, I can do a good enough job criticizing myself. and what I can’t handle my wife takes care of just fine. I completed viewing the Magazine counting a total of 38 Full page adds out of 50 pages total. The remainder pages were smaller adds and then the classified sections. The following is the Main Advertising title of each of those 38 full page adds only. I am not listing any company names or websites. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your piece of $13 billion in commissions Cash in on this fun and easy home business 94 Millionaires to go Earn over $300,000 a month $6000 in only 2 days $213,000 in one month Would you like to earn up to $1000 a week? 7 Figure Income You can make $2000 next week Triple your income this week Put an extra $1000 $4500 $10,000 in your bank account Were making $4000 to $6000 a week online Immediate $997 payouts, Not MLM $4000 cash first 2 days $99 an Hour Make $50,000 to $100,000 per month Thousands of dollars an hour a day $20,000 or more a month guaranteed $1000 in cash direct to your doorstep everyday $28000 in days not weeks I made $242,000 last year working from home There making $1000 to $100000 every month Learn how to make $100,000 a month video Finally a turn key system $20,000 to $50,000 per month Start making millions in months Would you like to earn $200 a day? Make $3000 to $5000 cash each week from home or on the road Make $3000 to $6000 in 31 days, free report? Live the life of your dreams - $5000 to $10,000 per month $50,000 to $100,000 a month is now easy $450 a day Bigger Pay checks in 2008 Simple steps We dare you to find a higher paying home business $1000 to $4000 every week even newbies can do Make money on line – work from home- retire early Who wants to make $1500 a day? We guarantee you a check Make $7500 every week ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now what’s left to say besides stupid is as stupid does. Maybe the thing to do is simply run your own add and request a dollar from everyone that has been scammed. Simply promise them that the dollar spent buys them piece of mind. It might also help to give them a Vegas coupon. Now you be the judge of the carnival and remember try not to be called stupid.
Hope you enjoy these free insider tips.
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