Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work From Home Scams – How Stupid Are We?

As financial times harden so does people’s desperation to work from home and make extra cash to get by. These individuals are increasingly being taken advantage of due to their dire situations. Hopefully this article shows the carnival with its jip joints for what it is.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, Now that I got that off my chest I would like to discuss my viewing of a July 2008 monthly issue of a popular work from home business magazine I just received. Stupid is as stupid does, please excuse me I just had to finish getting that out also. Browsing this magazine page by page, which is by the way all advertisements and testimonial articles paid for by the advertiser, I see brilliant dazzling feel good colors. Pictures of gold, riches and stacks of money. An inspirational message from successful billionaires telling you to get it while it’s hot before it’s all gone. It kind of reminds me of a casino on the Las Vegas strip, Years ago, what was it’s name? Oh Yea, Sassy Sallie’s. I don’t know if they are still using that name but I do remember they served a world famous foot long hotdog for only 99 cents. In addition to it’s snack bar specials this particular casino sounded and felt very big as it’s dazzling bright lights, loud screeching slot machine winning bells and screams from jack pot winners all poured out the Casino entrance and onto the streets of Las Vegas Blvd. It was actually the smallest casino on the main strip which had created this atmosphere for carnival draw attraction of which worked very well. Upon reaching the casino door entrance it became more exciting to see a dollar slot machine being played and it’s hopper over filling and spilling the winnings onto the floor only steps away from the entrance. Years later I learned that these players are called shills who are legally hired to sit at special set to continually win machines for the casino. To continue the story, behind the shill was a circle of dollar slot machines with a change girl in the center. She was overly enthusiastic and guaranteed you would win because she worked there and could tell you which one was ready to hit big and pay you thousands of dollars just like the shills machine was paying off. Well to make a long story short, that attendant made change for hundreds of $100, $50 and $20 dollar bills all during her shift. None of the gamblers struck a hot paying slot but I am certain they will remember buying the special 99-cent foot long hot dog. Getting back to the subject of how stupid are we about work at home scams, at the end of this article I will hopefully, like a Hitchcock Story, have left you with sufficient scenarios to derive at your own opinion. After all, no one wants to be called stupid. Not even me, I can do a good enough job criticizing myself. and what I can’t handle my wife takes care of just fine. I completed viewing the Magazine counting a total of 38 Full page adds out of 50 pages total. The remainder pages were smaller adds and then the classified sections. The following is the Main Advertising title of each of those 38 full page adds only. I am not listing any company names or websites. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your piece of $13 billion in commissions Cash in on this fun and easy home business 94 Millionaires to go Earn over $300,000 a month $6000 in only 2 days $213,000 in one month Would you like to earn up to $1000 a week? 7 Figure Income You can make $2000 next week Triple your income this week Put an extra $1000 $4500 $10,000 in your bank account Were making $4000 to $6000 a week online Immediate $997 payouts, Not MLM $4000 cash first 2 days $99 an Hour Make $50,000 to $100,000 per month Thousands of dollars an hour a day $20,000 or more a month guaranteed $1000 in cash direct to your doorstep everyday $28000 in days not weeks I made $242,000 last year working from home There making $1000 to $100000 every month Learn how to make $100,000 a month video Finally a turn key system $20,000 to $50,000 per month Start making millions in months Would you like to earn $200 a day? Make $3000 to $5000 cash each week from home or on the road Make $3000 to $6000 in 31 days, free report? Live the life of your dreams - $5000 to $10,000 per month $50,000 to $100,000 a month is now easy $450 a day Bigger Pay checks in 2008 Simple steps We dare you to find a higher paying home business $1000 to $4000 every week even newbies can do Make money on line – work from home- retire early Who wants to make $1500 a day? We guarantee you a check Make $7500 every week ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now what’s left to say besides stupid is as stupid does. Maybe the thing to do is simply run your own add and request a dollar from everyone that has been scammed. Simply promise them that the dollar spent buys them piece of mind. It might also help to give them a Vegas coupon. Now you be the judge of the carnival and remember try not to be called stupid.

Hope you enjoy these free insider tips.

What Does SEO Stand For?

Not every one is familiar with the term SEO. This is a simple non-technical definition. Simply put, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. It involves choosing the most productive key words and phrases that will most benefit a web sites traffic by increasing search engine ratings. Key words are those most frequently entered by persons looking for information by use of a search engine. We know what search engines are because there is search entry boxes everywhere we go online and even on our home pages. Looking for something? Enter its key words into the search box and click on the search button. The results you get is a list starting with number one the highest rated downward. Also involved in the SEO process is the placing of Meta Tags and site link building . Each search engine uses different ways to rate web sites. Search engines keep secret their rating protocol to prevent Spam from infiltrating the system and to retain credit for productive search results. I think the most important reason is so they can earn revenue from the key word hits sold to advertisers. Henceforth the more control they have over key words the more advertising clients and revenue they can earn. Think of it like TV ratings, the more viewers the more that is charged for the adds. Search engine sites refer to their self’s as spiders or crawlers because when a new site directory is entered it is searched from link to link by robotic crawler or spider programs, It can take days or weeks for a search engine to index a complete web site depending on how much data, pages and links exist. Web sites are also re-visited by search engines more frequently when their data is changed or added to regularly. SEO promotion and marketing firms for a fee will search your entire existing web site and report to you on recommendations and additional features that can be added to in hence your web sites traffic and search engine ratings. Most firms offer ongoing consulting, service and web site monitoring for a fee based on the size of a web site. This can be beneficial since monitoring key words and making needed changes as they occur help keep web Site Efficiency and Optimization at its best.

Hope you enjoy these free insider tips.

Termites – Why seek chemical Free treatment?

Just a short note about the habits of termites that the average homeowner is never told by termite companies. Why are they not told? Read on and find out.

There are about 100 different species of termites in North America alone. Did you know there are none in Alaska? It is not because there is no wood in Alaska because there are mega forests. It is because the environment is to harsh and makes it uninhabitable for any termite species to survive. Does this tell us something about Mother Nature? You bet it does and what it says is that termites are really not as tuff as termite companies and chemical manufactures make them out to be. Did you know that termites are social insects that rely heavily upon one another to survive? The young when born must be feed by an adult or they starve. Termites are not just an ordinary insect; they are insects that coexist with a group of one-celled animal of which is their digestive system. Just as the termites eat and multiply so do the one-celled animals that make up the termites digestive system. Kill the termite and the one-celled animal starves. Kill the one-celled animal and the termite starves. As humans we have skin to hold in our body fluids but termites on the other hand have only a thin waxy coating that unlike or skin when damaged will not repair itself. Because of this easily damaged exterior coating they are highly vulnerable to dehydration from loss of body fluids. Without going into further detailed scientific names or biology of the termite it can easily be attained that termites are fragile. How were termites controlled before Dow Chemical Company existed? Well to be honest with you I can only assume that they were treated with natural acids, sodas or salt. If salt was to costly then vinegar was used, which is no more than bad wine, It would have been introduced to the site of infestation. If salt was used it may have also been applied to the site as a powder or as a salt and water solution. Today salt is inexpensive and is still in use as an interior fungicide and wood preservative. It’s ability to dry things up is still efficient. Salt is also used today in some less toxic water mixed termite treatment solutions labeled as borates. In the case of whole structure Fumigation for drywood termites where poison gas is introduced inside of a structure after it is sealed with tarps, the gas is circulated with electric fans during the 19 hours or more treatment period. The poison gas will kill the one-celled animals within the majority of termites that are exposed. In turn the termites will supposedly starve to death. However, termites eat their dead and can survive for long periods of time from the carcass nutrition. During this time of dead carcass consumption the one celled animals not killed will be able to repopulate to the termites that lost their digestive hosts. Henceforth the colony continues as merely a smaller re-established undetectable mass. So as you see, whole house fumigation is not effective in complete eradication of drywood termites and that is the reason why most homes, once infested by them are in need or re-fumigation every 5 years. That future $4000.00 job every 5 years is a good reason for the Termite Firms to continue whole structure fumigation in stead of choosing an effective non-chemical alternative. The seeking of effective non-chemical alternative termite treatment means and procedures is the true answer to not only a cleaner, safer environment but also a reasonably priced termite control solution.

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Non-Environmentally Friendly California – State outlaws non-chemical usage in 2001

The outlawing of non-chemical devices for the treatment of termites was enacted to protect the business interests of the chemical companies. Find out why California citizens are forced by law to be continually poisoned and denied use of proven non-chemical alternatives.

Don’t be fooled, just because a state or providence talks about being concerned with environmental issues it does not mean they really care or that they are active in bringing about needed environmental change. There are many states in addition to California such as Hawaii where use of non-chemical pest devices are also outlawed. Most of these states also promote protection of the environment but in lieu of their alleged promotion of being environmentally concerned, their actions really support the chemical companies and the continued use of poisons as the only means of pest treatment recognized.

The laws prohibiting the use of non-chemical devices are said to be for the public protection from what may occur. They actually where supported and written as a preventative measure and funded by the chemical companies to protect the continued use and profit generated from sales.

Many laws of this type submitted for passage are usually struck down because they are based on fears of what may happen but has never actually occurred. However when laws like this are proposed with large money funding and donations, support for passage is greater.

The public in America does not vote on these types of laws. Below are excerpts from a California Department of Pesticide Notice. Complete reference At: : http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/registration/canot/ca00-7.htm As of July 1, 2001, it was officially unlawful to sell, possess, or use a structural pest control device in California, unless it is registered by DPR. Structural pest control devices are defined in Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Section 15300(a) as ".any method, instrument, or contrivance intended to be used to prevent, eliminate, destroy, repel, attract, or mitigate any wood destroying pest, but does not include firearms, pesticides as defined in FAC Section 12753, or equipment used for the application of pesticides when sold separately from a pesticide." The device technologies that will be impacted by the structural pest control device program currently include those that utilize microwave, electrical, and thermagation (heat) treatments to control termites, powder post beetles, and carpenter ants, etc. (End of Excerpt)

In Plain English the items outlawed for use are the only available non-chemical devices in use at the time of law enactment July 1, 2001. Additionally the items outlawed are for treatment of wood destroying pests only. These are pests that regularly are treated with the poison gas Vikane or Bromide during whole structure fumigation. These poison gases are associated with the damaging of the ozone layer and other adversities of our earth’s atmosphere. When poisoning occurs to living life by these gases there is no antidote. Treatment of Termites with these poison gases is the most costly monetary expense of all pest treatments performed by private and commercial property owners. An item that should be noted is that the States of California as well as Hawaii have a law forbidding the use of a non-chemical pest device for treatment of Termites unless first approved by the states department of pesticide regulation. Neither of these states have an approval procedure or effective protocol in place to review and/or approve any alternative pest devices. Because of this, neither of these States has approved any non-chemical treatment alternatives. Is it ironic that these States do however have the means to fully enforce this one sided bias regulation.

In conclusion, the outlawing of the use of non-chemical alternatives has crippled the advancement of science and research that was once evident and contributing to a less costly cleaner and safer environment. With the passage of these types of self-destructive laws, it is no wonder the world today, is still totally dependent on fossil fuels. 

Hope you enjoy this free insider information.

Poor Liability Insurance Carrier Worries - Pest Business Industry Warning

Pest Industry General Liability insurance Warning. Watch out for high risk Small Pest Company Bond & Liability Insurance Carriers Operating throughout the U.S.A. Pay extra attention to those operating from Utah

I am not allowed to name the firms in this article but if I could I would probably start off by listing the Companies I have had bad service and deals with. Their rip-off tactics are about as long as their name. They specialize in selling high priced business liability insurance through an association underwriter. They specifically target small pest control firms and independent applicators. The insurance they sell can easily be paid for in payments. Because of the payment plan they can charge the small companies 4 to 5 times more than normal market rates. Their coverage does not cover anything other than an event occurring at the time of application only. Additionally they offer the most limited high priced rip off policy on the market. Avoid any purchase from or through these firms. If you do or are currently covered by this type of insurance underwriter, then you know who I am talking about, then do not expect any claims or legal fees to be covered should they arise. When a claim is filed it is turned over to a claims denial sub contractor service. Do try your best to find an alternative reputable insurance brokerage firm as soon as possible. Businesses and individuals that carry insurance with these firms that claim affiliations with chemical applicators nationwide are subjecting them selves to great financial loss should they need the services and any claims satisfied. Read the fine print and as they say in business, "Cover Your Ass". I hope this updated information will assist Pest control Company operators to avoid future liability insurance pitfalls.

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Free Termite Treatments and Repairs for any California Homeowner

California State encourages and even enforces free termite treatments and repairs to be performed by State licensed pest firms for most homeowners that request it. Read on and find out how you can benefit too.

It may sound unbelievable but it is totally true for homeowners that live in California. In this article I will expose what only a few California home owners know about using the State's free resources, The California State Consumer affairs in conjunction with the Structural Pest Control Board and the State attorney generals office, for attaining complete termite treatment and repair on their homes at no cost to the owner. Yes you heard right, at no cost to the homeowner and without limits to the extent of treatment and repairs requested performed by the homeowner. At this point as the reader, you are probably saying how can that be? It all sounds too illogical. Well, it will all be clear to you once I explain how the States Administrative law procedures work and how California homeowners also aware of the way they operate, continually take advantage of the free available service. Every day of the year, termite companies throughout the State of California are forced, co horsed and demanded to perform homeowner requested termite treatment, structural repairs and even non-termite related home repair and renovation ascetics for free. The underlying secret is in the written administrative code of the state Structural Pest Control Act Rules and Regulations. Don't worry, you don't have to read it or know anything about its laws to benefit as a California Homeowner. The pest control act is simply the governing rules for all termite & pest firms doing business in California to follow. According to it's specific administrative rules, if any firm is accused of any violation of the act or wrongdoing, they are considered by the State to be guilty. No ifs ands or butts. There is a hearing request option available for those that contest allegations but when requested the hearing is performed for the sole prosecution of alleged allegations by the State attorney generals office. It is a violation of the act in itself, to request the hearing to defend allegations and to not correct the homeowners requested treatments and repairs within 60 days of request while waiting a hearing date. With this being the case, hopefully you get the idea here, that this is clearly a catch 22 or as you might say ,Dammed if you do and damned if you don't, or also commonly referred to as a Lose Lose Situation, for any California Termite control firm accused of any wrong doing such as not finding termites or anything else the homeowner accuses them of weather truthful or not. Hopefully I have explained and clarified why these administrative laws benefit the homeowner. Now to explain how this is used daily by California Homeowners to get termite treatment and repairs performed for free by legitimate legally licensed Pest Firms. This is how one such scenario is played out by a homeowner aware of how to benefit from the catch 22 state termite regulations. Jane cleans her house daily and has been cleaning up termite evidence at two different areas inside windowsills for the past few months. She brings this to the attention of her husband Dick, who tells her to call a local pest company for a termite inspection and leaves her strict instructions to have the interior of house extra clean inside and out especially at areas where she has been cleaning up suspected termite evidence. He also tells her not to make note of any areas of suspected termites to the inspector because if there are termites, the inspector should find them regardless. Meantime Dick has his friend a gifted handyman come over and repair some wood at the exterior eaves located at the outside areas of the windowsills where Jane has noted inside termite evidence. His friend also has filled some wood imperfections perfectly with wood filler and paints all areas nicely to match. When finished as usual, It appears no work at all has been performed on the structure just as Dick likes it. The following day the Scheduled termite inspector arrives and performs a complete standard termite inspection. Upon completion of the inspection he advises Jane that no evidence of termites were found at the visible areas inspected and that she will receive a written report in the mail as to the properties inspected findings and recommendations. When Dick comes home from work that evening he is pleased with the report information given to Jane and life goes on daily as usual except! About 3 weeks later, Jane again finds termite evidence at the windowsills during her house cleaning and leaves it for Dick to see when he comes home. Dick looks at the evidence and tells Jane to leave it for his friend and handy man to look at during the weekend. That week the handyman looks at the evidence and suggests opening the wall up at areas of evidence to research further. Dick agrees, so the handyman commences to remove the wall coverings and in doing so is amazed at the revealing of thousands of live termites and significant wall framing and header damage. The handy man tells Dick to call the Termite Company that recently inspected the property and demand that they repair and treat the termites they missed finding during the recent inspection. At this point, you know and I know that the owners knew all along that they had termites and did not tell the inspector that they covered up the evidence. But that does not matter, upon demand by the owners that the termite company who checked the residence treat and repair everything, The said company will have no choice but to comply with the homeowners wishes. Their only other recourse is to allow the owner to file a state complaint of which will only force them to correct it anyway and additionally subject them to allegation prosecution by the Attorney Generals office which can only further lead to license suspension cancellation and severe fine penalties. Dick and Jane are happy with their newly renovated living room that now has new bay windows, wall coverings, paint, trim along with new drapes and matching carpets that were all complements of the Local termite company that also tented their home and supplied them with 5 Star Hotel accommodations including meals for the 4 days they needed to stay out of the home during the fumigation process. Additional they were also provided with 5 star lodging and meals for the 5 days during the remodeling repairs. Total cost to Dick and Jane was zero. Total cost to local termite company was $55,000.00. None of which was reimburse by any insurance company because the Pest industry liability insurance carriers do not pay for any damages incurred to customers unless proven liable in a court of law and that of course almost never occurs because of the licensing risks of alleged allegations according to the Pest Control Act. As the author of this article, I have 30 years plus experience working professionally as a California State Licensed Termite and Pest Control Operator. This insider information is in no way fictional. It is completely true, relevant and practiced daily. In most cases the free repair requests are made by Homeowners who have the money to treat their own termites and also pay for their own repairs but they feel that since the free corrections are so readily available and encouraged by the state that they prefer to take advantage of it. Their justification in most cases being, I pay my fair share of taxes so why shouldn't I be entitled to some free benefits? This is Part one of two on this subject. For further detailed information and step by step instruction of how a California homeowner can personally take advantage of the benefit of free termite treatment and structural repairs, simply read on below.

The following is detailed information and step-by-step instruction of how a California homeowner can personally take advantage of the benefit of State Supported and Consumer Affairs enforced free termite treatment and structural repairs performed by any State Licensed Termite Control firm.

Step One: If you have termites or think you have termites the bottom line is you need to know where they are and destroy all of their evidence that can be clearly seen and identified by a professional state licensed termite inspector. To find out where they are don’t call a pest control firm for a termite inspection. That will be one of the last steps. If you do call one first then any termites they find will go on a report filed with consumer affairs and you won’t be able to benefit from free treatment and repairs. So for now get a complete inspection for termites without having a report filed. You can do this by calling a local maintenance repair or contracting firm and asking for an estimate to repair homeowner structural damage that may be present. Have them check for any visible damage and give you a verbal report. Have them check the entire attic and all substructures in addition to all exterior eaves and siding. If your home has wood floors and they won’t crawl under the house to check then call someone who will that is not a licensed termite inspector.

Step Two: After you have all verbal estimates to repair areas damaged by termites from contractors and/or maintenance repair firms, then commence to vacuum all termite evidence at all areas where you have been told they are. Additionally fill areas of damage with a wood filler and paint to cover up damage or hide the area of damage by covering up with paneling or any other sufficient method that will prevent the areas of known termites and/or damage from being visually seen during a professional termite inspection. You can do this yourself or pay a freelance repairman to do work and cover up in the dirty areas but make sure they do it and inspect their work to be sure it is done good.

Step Three: Call 3 local termite control companies and schedule a free termite inspection with each to be performed the same day with each appointment 2 hrs apart. Advise the companies that you have no termites you can see and you just need a termite inspection prior to listing your home for sale. Tell them you will also be getting a home inspection soon. Allow all three companies to check the house and request that each mail their report of findings to you for review with your real estate agent.

Step Four: If you did your Termite evidence and damage removal and cover up correctly there should be no evidence of termites found by any of the inspection firms, however if one or even two of the inspection firms find some termite evidence then the third one that found nothing can be called back out to check, repair and correct with treatment at no charge the areas of termites and damage missed. If none of the Termite inspections noted any evidence of termites or evidence then commence to un-hide the areas of termites and/or damage previously covered up and then call each company back out and request that they correct at no charge the conditions they missed during their recent inspection.

Step Five: If none of the companies treat and repair to your satisfaction at no cost to you then call state consumer affairs structural pest control board and request complaint forms be mailed to you. From that point on the State Pest Control Board will guide you in getting your complaint resolved.

Conclusion: One main important point: Do not tell anyone you have been following these guidelines. These tactics are reserved for the political elite only. You can relax and feel good about getting your termite work and/or treatment performed for free because you have simply exercised your rights to a professional inspection governed by state licensees that most of the time perform incorrectly. In doing so you are enlightening the knowledge base of the professional licensees and aiding them to stay on their toes and do a diligent job as they are licensed too.

Additional Point of interest: California Termite control firms profit by up to 10000 %. That means for every $1 cost they charge $100.00 to the customer.

Hope you enjoy this free insider information.

Perfect Online Opportunities - The Should Not Be List

It just so happens that there is so many negative items offered by online opportunities today that it seems more fitting to just list what an opportunity should not be.

The following are just a few of the author’s researched items that truly relate to what the perfect online opportunity should not be.

(a) It does not require any start up, training, purchase or ongoing fees.

(b) It does not require any product or sponsoring quotas. (c) It does not require you to lie about your earnings to others. (d) It does not cancel your membership or pay due to inactivity or old age. (e) It does not withhold your earnings for any reason. (f) It does not require attending conferences of any type. (g) It does not preach the power of positive thinking. (h) It does not preach the power of universal attraction. (i) It does not preach spiritual, motivational, extorestrial beliefs or otherwise. (j) It does not require donations to charities. (k) It does not retain the right to change any Pre-agreed upon Terms and conditions of sub contracting performed by any independent marketer. (l) It does not retain the right to change any Pre-agreed upon commissions or their structure pay for income production attributed to independent marketers efforts. (m) It does not retain the right to change anything at anytime without cause. (n) It does not manipulate or persuade independent marketers to invest their time and effort into a cause or action without offering monetary compensation. (o) It does not require advertising expenses. (p) It does not claim to run completely on autopilot. (q) It does not fantasize a six-figure income possibility. (r) It does not advocate an extreme urgency to act now or else. (s) It does not advocate it is only looking for serious opportunists. (t) It does not claim to be the best opportunity available online. (u) It does not claim to be the most honest of opportunities online. (v) It does not claim to be your only real paying opportunity online. (w) It does not claim to be truly concerned about its current and future working independent representatives. (x) It does not promote individual or group prize vacations as motivational incentives. (y) It does not sale or distribute self-improvement or mentoring data or programs. (z) It does not lay blame or criticize independent Marketing Representatives that are less successful than the norm. Sorry I ran out of alphabets, but I think the most important have been covered. I could write a lengthy paragraph on each listed lettered item explaining why and what the perfect opportunity should consist of and I may just do that in the near future to assist the lambs entering the work on line search field who are increasingly eaten up by the wolfs daily. Marketers are grown adults that do not need to be treated as if they are children. The most important item a marketer invests is their time and applied knowledge. A marketer is no different than your Gardner; he also deserves to be paid reasonable for his efforts, skills and time invested. Whoever concocted the notion that a marketer should pay a company up front just for the opportunity to peddle their goods is truly a con of all cons. Think about it? Then think about it again? This is nothing more than an old mafia tactic. Just think of all the money you could swindle from honest people by charging them to peddle an item you manipulate them to religiously believe will make them wealthy. Now that’s only one type of online wolf. Be wise and expect all online opportunity offers to be a rip off. Use the power of the Internet against the wolfs by searching data on offers by using several of the different search engines available for free such as MSN, Google, Yahoo etc. It is also important to visit forums that are not funded by the wolfs in order to get true information.

Don’t trust just one of the search engines because the wolfs pay for prime advertising with some of them but rarely all of them. The wolfs are so tricky that they even operate their own sites and forums for listing what opportunities are shams and which are not. Obviously their own scams are the recommended ones. Warning, You will run into these types of sites during your investigative searches and this is why you should do several searches with several different search engines. I hope this article has been educational as well as informative to all those currently seeking income or planning future online work or investment. 

Hope you enjoy this free insider information.

How to Help Your Web Site Get More Repeat Traffic

Commonly it is a good idea to update the pages on your website frequently because search engines like to drop inactive sites. A date and visitor counter is easy to install in each web page and will help you know when to update pages.

Additional items can also be offered on your web site. For referred sites you can place links to other applicable sites and products.. You can advertise on your site as an affiliate and sale other items such as books, videos, which are not in conflict with your products. Offer customers discounts and special offers. Place a form on your site for customers to sign up for a weekly e-newsletter with an offer of great discounts and coupons for doing so. Place an "Add to My Favorites" and a "Contact Us," button to each of your pages and a return to home page link on each page heading and bottom page footing. A button to recommend a friend can easily accompany the add to favorites button. Try and use a site color scheme that is easily distinguishable from other sites and recognizable as your own. This way it will be noticeable when they leave your site. Have easy access and viewing to menus that clearly list areas such as Frequently Asked questions, Company History, philosophy, principles and policies etc..At the frequently asked questions page list the most common questions one has or may ask. This will help ease your clients mind by knowing that answers are available and have been pre-written for you. Also keep the frequently asked question portion up to date regularly. Place a Title to each web page that contains key words about your site and product. Don't spam anyone to get them to visit your web site. There are plenty of customers seeking your sites services. Simply target your advertising to areas of your client interest and in doing so you will obtain loyal repeat customer traffic. 

Hope you enjoy this free insider information.